From our course syllabus:
Plagiarism:It is unacceptable to submit the work of another person as your own. If you quote, paraphrase,
summarize or in any way use the ideas of an author, you must accurately credit that information.
If you do not acknowledge the source, you are plagiarizing. In this course, plagiarism may result
in, at minimum, an F for the assignment, but could result in an F for the course and other
disciplinary action. If you are uncertain about any matter relating to plagiarism, consult with me
or with a tutor before you hand the work in. Papers may be randomly or selectively checked using
plagiarism detection software. I tend to catch cheaters every semester, so please don’t be tempted,
but instead get help if you are struggling.
To ensure that you fully understand what behavior constitutes plagiarism, please take the pretest found at the link below. When you are done, PRINT your results, write your name on the top of the paper, and bring it to me.