Red Wing Public Schools
Distribution of Materials and Information to Students
The Red Wing Public Schools recognize the role of school district based and non-profit organizations that serve youth.  In order to balance the interests of the schools and other youth-serving organizations:
  1.  All requests for distribution of materials (flyers, brochures, etc.) will be handled via a centralized system in the Community Education Department.  Individual schools, principals, school staff, etc. will not process requests.
  2. Requests from for-profit organizations will not be accepted.
  3. Requests will be reviewed on the basis of Red Wing Public School’s Board Policy 904:  Distribution of Materials on School District Property by Non-school Persons.  This document is available at
  4. Organizations will not be allowed to set up a table at Red Wing Public School open houses. Materials will be distributed by the Community Education office at district open houses. Organizations must request approval from Community Education of materials to be distributed in advance and copies provided for distribution.
  5. District 256 retains the right to permit access for its own programs and for those of an individual school or school group such as the Parent Teacher Organization or Red Wing Public School Foundation.
Materials will be distributed once a month at Colvill, Sunnyside, Twin Bluff and Burnside Schools. Red Wing High School materials will available in the display rack located at the school.

The following procedures are to be followed:
  • Step 1: Preapproval - Complete the Request for Distribution of Materials form (see links below) and provide a copy of the brochure/flyer to be distributed and submit both to the office no later than ten school days before the distribution date.  Each distribution must add: This distribution is not printed by District 256 nor is the event, class or activity sponsored or endorsed by District 256.  Email the form and copy of material to be distributed to or submit form in person to Community Ed office.
  • Step 2: Community Ed staff will review and email back with an approval or denial.
  • Step 3: If the request is approved, bundle the material following instructions from the Instructions & School Count document below:
Organizations are responsible for providing adequate numbers of materials for distribution, bundled according to the instruction sheet provided after approval. Additional materials will be placed in each schools display rack and will have a time limit for posting.