Red Wing Schools has a Board approved Indoor Air Quality Management Plan. Our IAQ plan is based on the Environmental Protection Agencies (EPA) ‘Tools for Schools’ indoor air quality program designed specifically for schools. The plan’s goal is to provide indoor air quality that contributes to a favorable learning environment for students, productivity for teachers and staff, as well as an environment that is as healthy as possible. However, the intent of the plan is not to solve all indoor air quality concerns in a school. Rather, the intent is to provide a roadmap to assist in managing indoor air quality. The plan was first approved by the School Board and went into effect on July 1, 2001.
The IAQ plan was developed with help from:
- Environmental Protection Agency
- Institute for Environmental Assessment
- Minnesota Department of Health
- Red Wing Health and Safety Committee with extensive input from staff
- Maintenance of HVAC equipment will become more aggressive.
- Maintenance work will be recorded and monitored to verify needed and scheduled work is being performed as recommended.
- Frequency of maintenance tasks will be followed per IAQ plan at a minimum.
- Heating and cooling coils will be inspected annually and cleaned as necessary.
- Medium to high efficiency air filters will be used, none of which will be made from fiberglass.
- Only commercial furnishings will be allowed in district buildings.
- Anything brought into our school must meet this guideline and be approved in advance by the Principal and the IAQ Coordinator. Staff must fill out the Couch/Equipment waiver form found in the table at the top of this page.
- All cleaning supplies are to be supplied by the Custodial Staff and nothing can be brought from home.
- There are no air fresheners are allowed in district buildings, unless supplied by the custodial staff.
If a staff member wishes to have plants, animals or any other nature item(s) in school, certain circumstances must be met. Request in writing permission from the building administrator. Waiver is found in the IAQ form menu.
For Animals:
- Agree to clean cages daily (including vacations and holidays) and dispose of waste properly.
- Locate animals away from ventilation systems to avoid circulating allergens.
For Plants:
- A maximum of 6 plants in a typical 900-1000 square foot classroom.
- Every 3 to 6 months the soil must be completely replaced.
- This removes the mold that may have accumulated from the building.
- Plants must be fed/watered from the bottom.
- This prevents over-watering which accelerates mold growth.
The Staff Member must have approved all special activities involving food through the school administration using the ‘food/party ' form found in the IAQ form menu.
Food and Beverages
- Limit any food consumption to the cafeteria, if this is not possible, limit the consumption to hard floor surface areas.
- Only clear "pop-top" type water bottles with water are allowed in classrooms during class.
- There will be no gum allowed in school.
- Exceptions: Morning ‘brainfood snacks’ at the elementary level, these snacks will need to be of the dry type to help facilitate cleaning and district-wide holidays celebrated where all classes have parties at the same time.
In our plan, we have outlined a resolution system so everyone knows who to contact, how your concern will be handled, and who to follow up with if you feel your concerns have gone unanswered. The complete IAQ Plan, forms, and checklists are available in the Principal's Office or from the IAQ Coordinator. Please see the plan for complete details.